Friday, February 4, 2011

Noodle bean soup: another win from 101 cookbooks!

I just made this recipe from 101 cookbooks. I've been home today with a flu-ish thing and it hit the spot! I made a few changes to the ingredients as I did not feel like shopping. I used 1.5T lemon juice instead of lime, added 1/2t coriander, used just a few sprigs of cilantro, substituted sunflower seeds for the walnuts, used whole wheat thin spaghetti rather than egg noodles, and used yogurt rather than sour cream/creme fresh. I think the caramelized onion topping made a big difference, so don't skip out! Mom, I bet this would still be good without oil, and you could probably adapt it for the slow cooker.


Jody said...

That looks really good! I saw it, but decided it was way too complicated. Perfect flu food, I'm sure.
Did you see the 101 recipe from this week? For iron skillet chocolate chip cookies? You should make it so I can live vicariously.

Suzanne said...

I TRIED TO MAKE THAT VERY RECIPE TODAY!!! Michael shot me down, though, pointing out that I've been eating ice cream sundaes every day this week and should probably take a break from the junk food. Definitely on my "to bake" list, though =)

Jody said...

Ha! You should make them, have one, and then let Michael take the rest back to boston.
I'm inspired by your brownie recipe, and I have a bunch of cocoa, so maybe I'll give it a try. I feel like I have to redeem myself with my coworkers since I've subjected them to a few baking fails recently.