Monday, January 9, 2012

Savory spinach with leeks

I had been excited to try this recipe, Skillet-Baked Eggs with Spinach, Yogurt, and Chili Oil, for weeks.  I love eggs and thought this would be a great way to present eggs as dinner food without feeling like it's Breakfast for Lunch! day at the cafeteria (does anybody else remember French toast fingers? Ew.)  Thought.  I forgot that baked eggs are weird and rubbery.  Also, with all the juices coming off the vegetables the eggs stay very soft, requiring repeated assurances of "yes, I did cooked your dinner."

Are you blogging about bad recipes now?


Out of this failed experiment came a delicious recipe for wilted spinach (which was delicious before it was ruined by adding eggs!)  I deviated pretty far from the original recipe:

Heat 1T butter and 1T EVOO in a skillet.
Add 3 leeks, chopt (white and pale green parts only) and 3 cloves garlic, chopt.
Decrease heat to low and cook until soft, 10+ minutes.
Add 1 bag (10 oz) spinach (rinsed).
Once the spinach's bulk has decreased in size, add ~1T cream cheese.
Season with a good shaking of oregano, 1t lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
Serve when the spinach is just wilted.
We served it with Harissa sauce (Clarissa Explains It All sauce)

Serves ~4.

Before baking:
 And after:

Honestly this might be good as a main course topped with a fried egg.  Just not a baked one.  Yuck. If you do decide to deviate from my sage advice, know that it took mine ~30" to cook (not the predicted 10-15"), even after I turned my heat up to 350 half way through.  How bogus.

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