Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nectarine Nugget

Suzanne and Michael were here the week of August 11. It being Restaurant Week, we didn't cook that much, but Michael proposed and executed one delicacy: at Suzanne's suggestion, he sprinkled ground cloves and cinnamon on the tops of nectarine halves. Then he broiled them, sliced side up toward the broiler, placing a preheated cooling rack on their tops (we had to adapt what was probably a superior method he saw on tv involving a grill). He removed them from the oven after a few minutes of broiling and filled the pit pits with a mixture of Skyris Icelandic yogurt (which I think Jody had once recommended) and honey, and topped the mound with roasted slivered almonds. Divine!


Jody said...

That sounds delicious ... I like the improvised grilling method, but is something wrong with your grill?

Robin said...

Ah, the grill has been out of service for years, ever since Reeves went non-beef. I could certainly continue to use it for roasted vegs and salmon, but since most of my fish recipes are in drippy marinates, I just got out of the habit. And it took a turn for the worse in some of the gales we had - - I had to retrieve it from the back yard, and haven't yet dared use the propane tank. We thought about getting a built-in grill that would feed off the 500-gal tank in the front yard, but haven't pursued the idea. We are getting a lot of landscaping done, but I don't think the grill will figure into the plans.