Thursday, October 2, 2008

curry for when you don't feel like going to the store for the special ingredients

The plan for tonight was to cook a simple, one-serving meal and get to work pretty quickly. After conversing about Spanish food and the various and colorful ways that it can make you feel ill during my medical Spanish class and then going to the gym, however, my stomach demanded more satisfaction than a simple veggie burger could provide. I also had a enormous head of cauliflower, a funky green pepper, and some cilantro that I felt I should at least make a dent in before I go home for the weekend. So, I adapted the following recipe from the Vegetarian Times cookbook:

Saute one onion, chopt, on medium-high heat.
Add one green pepper, chopt, when the onions start to clear.
When both are getting soft, add 1/2 cauliflower (in florets), 1 cup veggie stock, 1t curry powder, 1t cumin, and 1/2t cayenne pepper. Reduce heat to medium.
Once cauliflower is soft, add 1 can chick peas. Allow to simmer a few more minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup yogurt.
Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve with rice.


PS--the original recipe calls for turmeric, which I did not have, but I expect would taste delicious. It also calls for chopped green chilis, which I replaced with cayenne pepper due to the green chili famine currently plaguing my house.

Jody, mom mentioned a while back that you had a delicious yellow split pea soup recipe. Would you be able to post it?


Jody said...

Suzanne wins the cooking award for the week! I love cauliflower and chick peas but have never had them together. Its sounds really good. However, I already have plans for my weekly can of chickpeas so I think I will try this with my yellow lentils of all things! I bought a huge bag of them and its been slowly disapearing. The yellow lentil (or split pea) soup recipe comes from the blog 101 cookbooks. I don't know how to make a link in the comments, but you can find it easily by going to the blog and just searching for yellow lentil. It's seriously the easiest soup I've ever made, and it is really tasty. There are three ingredients in the soup: lentils, onions and salt. Seriously. There is an optional yogurt garnish that is definitely worth the effort. Enjoy!

Jody said...

Update: I have made this several times now and I love it! Suzanne, you are a veggie goddess.