Saturday, November 22, 2008

Delicious Apple Pie

Today I went to a Thanksgiving potluck in Reed Hall. I was very impressed--everybody brought something, and the person who organized it brought about 5 things. We had a wide array of traditional Thanksgiving foods, plus a few delicious others. In a very Westbrook-like turn of events, nobody thought to bring cranberry sauce. I brought the apple pie. I tried a variation on a Paula Deen recipe that I got when I gave blood last week and it turned out wonderfully:

Preheat oven to 350.
Fill pre-made pie crust with:
-5 peeled, chopt apples
-1 16 oz jar applesauce (Gravenstein, preferably)
-1T flour
-1t cinnamon
-1/2t cloves
-dash salt
-juice of 1/2 lemon
Dot top with 2T butter, chopt.
For the top, I made a half recipe of this pie crust:
using 1/2 white whole wheat flour.
Sprinkle top liberally with brown and white sugar and bake for 45 minutes.
I served it with Hagen Daz Dolce de Leche ice cream (good choice).



Jody said...

Wow - that sounds like serious apple pie. I'm making an apple crisp for the Zill family thanksgiving. Or Oliver's mom might make it. I don't really know what's going on in terms of who's making what, but I stand ready to fill in as needed. And I bought a sh*** ton of apples at the farmer's market today, so someone has to make something using apples. Apple crisp is Oliver's favorite dessert. It's what he asks for on his Birthday. It works out pretty well for me, since I'm such a lazy baker that even a pie seems like too much work :)

Suzanne said...

I think the most time consuming part of either desert is the peeling & chopping of apples... both are quite an undertaking!

I wish you were coming to VA for thanksgiving. I miss you!

Robin said...

Apple pie with applesauce. Just in case!