Saturday, November 22, 2008

What have I been up to lately?

Or more importantly, what have I been cooking (and why haven't I been writing about it)?
Well, there is no exciting answer to these questions. I have been cooking many things, but I've pretty much gotten them all directly off 101 cookbooks, so it doesn't seem worth replicating them here on this blog. And I've been a bit busier than usual with school. 
The one interesting bit of news for my cooking is that I have decided to only cook one meat centered meal a week. It has worked out well this month. We've been eating a lot of beans and tofu and grains and soups, and last night I made tempeh for the first time! I thought it was delicious. I made it with a spicy, salty, sweet glaze. Even Oliver, a self-professed tempeh hater, said he liked it. 
Thanksgiving is looming large, and I think I will be making a persimmon pudding, apple crisp, and cornbread to take to the Zill family dinner. I bought ripe persimmons today, and I might make the pudding ahead of time (tomorrow). Happily, our persimmon pudding recipe has been immortalized on cafe Libby! We're famous!
As you can see, Libby wrote a totally quality post about how to make the pudding. I was really surprised mine turned out so well last year, and hopefully it will again. At the farmers market, when I went to see the persimmon farmer, I told him I was making a pudding and he new was like "you need two cups of pulp, huh?". So I guess a lot of people had been visiting him with the same thing in mind! 
Can't wait to hear about Thanksgiving back there in Virginia!


Suzanne said...

If you have any good tempeh recipes, I'd love a post! After 3 years of vegetarianism, I do believe it's time to experiment...

Robin said...

I love Libby's blog post about missing California. I am honored to be named!
What do you pay for persimmons at the Bowl? At the McLean Safeway, I paid - - - no, I can't admit it - - . I didn't compromise my virtue but I certainly put a big dent in the weekly food amount. That even after snarfing up all 8 packages of frozen halibut at Whole Foods. The halibut quota is caught for the year; no more fresh halibut.
Do you want to ask Lena and Amanda to join this blog?
But how neat that you are making the pudding for T'giving.
And the apple crisp. Lucky Zills. I will make an apple pie recipe where you saute the apples (in roasted almond oil, of course) and add things like peppercorns, then give it a blackberry glaze. I may do a black raspberry glaze - - I have a few left from last summer.
So today we bought our tree, and I sprayed the new perennials with something that's supposed to maker deer feel unwelcome. It stank. And Toby loved it. He started busily licking all the perennials. I can't believe that deer are pickier than dogs. My guess is that they'll like the stuff too.

Jody said...

Persimmon pudding update: I woke up on Thanksgiving morning and set out into the Kitchen to make pudding, only to discover that the pudding mould was nowhere to be found. After much rifling, cursing, and brain-racking, I found a dusty memory of lending it my friend Liz a while back. I called Liz and found out that (1) she still had the mould and (2) she was at that moment in cape cod, not oakland. Crisis! How was the pudding to be made? Oliver suggested duct taping over all the holes in my metal colander and steaming that. I thought he was joking. Nope. In the end I decided to use a glass mixing bowl. It just barely fit into the big soup pot I was using to do the steaming. After 2+ hours in the soup pot, I removed the mixing bowl/pudding mould and with much trepidation flipped it over onto a plate. And out came a pudding! A perfectly round dome of a pudding. It was a Thanksgiving miracle.