Sunday, January 11, 2009

Faith in humanity restored!

So I came over to Chez Toby thinking about what a failure I was for not posting on it, letting it fall by the wayside, etc.  But my faith in all that is good and kind in the world was restored when I saw that my dear sister and mother had posted three yummy remembrances! Yay! I love you guys.
Anyways, Mom and Dad both informed me that Suzanne was going to make the black bean sweet potato chili recipe I had posted. This was slightly twilight zone, because I have never posted a black bean sweet potato chili recipe. I have posted a black bean sweet potato hash recipe, but with nary a tomato involved, it could not be called chili.
What really pushed this incident into the twilight zone is that fact that I did indeed cook black bean sweet potato chili FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER on friday night (cue twilight zone theme song). I had Liz and Sapna and David over, and served it with blue cornbread. I thought it was very delicious, and I would like to recommend it to Suzanne, if she has not already received the recipe from me telepathically. 

Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili

Olive oil for the pan
1 large yellow onion, diced
6 cloves of garlic, diced
1 red or green bell pepper, chopped
1 zuchinni, chopped (could use another bell pepper instead)
2 tbsp cumin
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt 
1 28 oz can diced tomatoes
28 oz water (just fill back up the empty tomato can)
6 - 7 cups black beans (or 2 cans)
2 large or four small sweet potatoes, 1 inch diced (this is a pain, don't cut off your finger)
Juice and zest of one lime
generous dash of chili pepper flakes 

1) In a big soup pot, saute the onion and garlic. Add the pepper and zuchinni and cook until the zuchinni looks soft. Add the spices and cook for 2 minutes to toast the spices.

2) Add everything else. Bring to a boil. Let it softly boil for about 15 minutes, until the sweet potatoes are tender. Then let it simmer, for as long as you can stand to wait for dinner.   

This made 6 good servings, so Suz, you might want to cut it in half. I had it with sour cream, which was a really nice addition.

I got this recipe of my friend Liz Fairclough's blog, and its originally from a cookbook she likes called Simple Vegetarian Pleasures. I made some changes, though, like omitting the tomato paste and adding lime and chili pepper flakes, for less sweetness and more tang. Also, I made the beans up from dried beans for the first time for this recipe. It was definitely an added pain, but 1) bulk beans are better than cans for the earth, 2) bulk beans are better than canned for my wallet, and 3) they really do taste fresher. 


Suzanne said...

that IS weird! my suspicions of sister-telepathy are confirmed. I'll have to try that, it looks delicious.

I do dried beans all the time--don't forget that they're easier on your shoulder/back when you're carrying them home from the supermarket.

Jody said...

So were you planning on making a black bean sweet potato chili you had seen elsewhere? Or did Mom and Dad just have it mixed up?
Miss you!

Robin said...

I made BBSP chili last night. I went at it rather mildly, especially with the chili powder, and the results were almost dreamy. I didn't have a lime, and the cilantro I substituted doesn't give as much a kick as I think lime would, tho' the color is nice. I thought cinnamon would be welcome, and I'm going to make the BBSP hash sometime too. But maybe in leftover life I'll have the chili with yogurt and cinnamon.

Suzanne said...

Just made this--so good! I was doubtful about the amount of chili powder you called for, but I decided to trust your judgement... that and the lime really made the dish!

Robin said...

Just sent the recipe to Jill, who had been talking to Reeves about black beans.