Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sweet Potato Gnocci

I made this delicious dish from a wa-po article that I've been carrying around for a very long time. The dough itself is really easy and quick. It's sort of a pain to form the dumplings, but if you're lazy like me, you can just make half of them one night and freeze or refrigerate the dough to make more another night:

Cook and cool 1.5 lbs sweet potatoes (~2c) (I chopped them up and then microwaved them)
In a large bowl, combine sweet 'taters and 2t salt. Mash until no lumps remain.
Slowly add 3c flour, kneading to form the mixture into a ball of dough (the article says to do this all by hand, but I used a mixer. Shhhh.)
On a lightly floured work surface, roll hunks of the dough into ropes about 3/4" in diameter. Cut or pinch into 3/4" segments to form gnocci.
Cook gnocci in boiling water in batches (they don't need to be too small--just make sure that the gnocci have some wiggle room and the more aggressive ones won't hold the meeker ones under the water). They take ~3min to cook. They will float to the surface when done. Remove with slotted spoon.

They're a little bland on their own. I made a snazzy, simple sauce to go along with them. Regular tomato sauce or cream sauce would taste good, too:

Saute 1.5 onion, chopt, in 1T olive oil
Add 2 cloves garlic, minced and a generous handful of sunflower seeds
Once these ingredients are all cooked, add a couple handfuls of frozen spinach.
Once the spinach has melted, add a can of chopt tomatoes.
Season with oregano, rosemary, basil, salt, and pepper (and, of course, hot sauce.)
Add gnocci and allow to simmer.
Serves 5-6


Robin said...

THe color seems fantastic.
I'm thinking I'll make this plus Jody's torte for the Saturday night dinner - - that way you'll both be there in spirit!

Jody said...

I will definitely try this! Sounds fabulous. I made the pear sweet potato casserole last night, and subbed crushed pecans for bread crumbs in the topping. It was a definite improvement!