Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fruit Salad

WARNING: this recipe contains a hefty helping of demon sugar! (she says while taking a break from doing a problem set about diabetes). This one is really simple, but I was proud of myself for thinking it up on the fly: a friend asked if I wanted to come to dinner at her house in 1hr and I couldn't think of anything to bring. So, I made up this easy fruit salad with all the fruit I had on hand. I think it was a hit. You could make it with whatever fruit you have around, I'm sure:

1/2 container strawberries, chopt
1 banana, sliced
handful raisins
handful dried apricots, sliced
juice of 1/2 lemon
~1/8 c. sugar

Toss and enjoy!


Robin said...

It's not really that much sugar . . .

Jody said...

mmmm... sugar