Saturday, August 29, 2009

White Peach salsa

Peel, slice and dice 2 juicy white spicy peaches. Mix in 1/4 of a jalapeno (maybe 1/2"), whizzed or in tiny dice. You can blacken it first to remove the skin, but I think it's ok either way. Add 2 T. chopt cilantro, 1 chopt spring onion, juice from maybe 1/4 of a lime, and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. You can add chopt mango. And red onion. And red pepper. It's good on a white fish (haddock or scrod) and on whatever you are having for the next several days - - rice, chicken, or even just lettuce.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I testify to its deliciousness! Thanks for posting it!