Sunday, February 28, 2010

Star studded week

Just a quick update to let you know some exciting goings on around here. Last week I saw two definite celebrities, and one cookbook author (borderline celebrity). I'll start with the cookbook author, since this a cooking blog. I think I've mentioned before that I'm currently in love with my new cookbook - "Vegan Soul Kitchen". The author - Bryant Terry - is an oakland native. Last Sunday he and a spoken word artist and some interpretive dancers put on a performance art/cooking demonstration at La Pena, a cultural center in my neighborhood. It was really fun! Oliver said if they made him dance, he was going to leave, but in the end when they made him dance he was into it :)
The food was also really yummy.
Earlier that day we saw Joshua Bell play violin sonatas with Jeremy Denk. Jeremy Denk has a cool blog about piano: . You should check it out, mom.
Then, on Thursday, I saw Bill Clinton speak! It was really cool. By total luck of the draw I had a great seat. It was in the big performance auditorium at Berkeley. He is a very good extemporaneous speaker, and very charismatic as well. You could tell how he got to be president.
Well, I expect a much calmer week this time around. I have a butternut squash I need to do something with, and some leeks, too. This morning I made pancakes (banana cinnamon hazlenut) for the first time in a long while, and I am re-committing myself to making a delicious breakfast one day on the weekend.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Did you use some gluten-free flour with the banana, cinnamon & hazelnut? Sounds lovely. What did you eat/celebrate/visualize at La Pena? Am going to go check out Jeremy DEnk. Lucky you! What a day.