Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mom's butternut squash pudding

Mom used to make us this delicious butternut squash pudding all the time when we were growing up, before cholesterol was persona non grata in our house. I made it the other night for some friends--I've forgotten how delicious it is! I tweaked the recipe somewhat to reflect more grown-up tastes (less sugar) and more different microwave kinetics (this recipe is indicating to me that the microwaves of the 80s were at least twice as bossy as those today... at least the cheap one furnished in my apartment.)

Peel and cube a medium-sized butternut squash (~3lbs).
Cook squash in the microwave (place in microwave-safe dish with a splash of water, cover, cook ~10"+ until it is very soft.)
Meanwhile, food-process1/2 stick (1/4c) butter and 3/4c brown sugar (if you're worried about this being too sweet, start with 1/2c and add more PRN at the end).
Add to the butter/sugar mix: the squash, 5 eggs, 1/3c flour, 1/2c ricotta (or, apparently, cream), 1t vanilla, 3/4t cinnamon, 1t allspice, salt.  Process.
Pour the whole mixture into a microwave-safe casserole dish (mine filled a 2.5 quart one).  Cover with a lid or, if you have dropped the lid and broken it (oops), with plastic wrap.
Microwave until the center is no longer runny, 9-20".

I used to love this paired with spaghetti and meat sauce (weird.)  I most recently served it with fettuccine alfredo and green beans almondine, which made a nice pairing.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Happy memories. I bet the allspice makes it really good. I have been putting a lot of allspice into mole recently.