Monday, January 30, 2012

A Trinacria Tribute

Mmm pasta
I recently 'discovered' the most fabulous market in my 'hood-- Trinacria.  It's this fabulous Italian grocery stuffed full of goodies.  There a pasta, house-made ravioli and prepared foods, fresh breads, sandwiches, house-cured olives, deli meats and cheeses, cookies, and cheap wine.  They even raise $ for BARCs (where Dapper Dan came from!) Anyhow, I bought a groupon there and decided to explore.  It has a very unassuming, almost sketchy store-front on a dodgy block.  I thought it might be abandoned when I approached. When I opened the door, I was met with a throng of people packed in between shelves of food.  In the two trips I've made there, I've sampled the house-made diavolo sauce, two types of olives (spicy mixed and rosemary garlic pitted kalamata), imported parm, fresh mozz, foccachia bread, wine, and stuffed peppers (goat cheese for me, prosciutto and mozz for M.)  I especially loved the olives, the cheeses, and the sauce.  The mozz didn't even taste like what I think of as mozzerella: it was so fresh and moist!  Ok, I'm starting to sound like a foodie, but seriously--check this place out. 

Above is pasta with diavolo (spicy) sauce, grated parm, fried Italian soysage, and fresh basil. Below is perhaps our greatest pizza night success yet, made with diavolo sauce, slices of fresh mozz, kalamata olives, and fresh basil.
Better ingredients, better pizza

Dan Cat makes a monkey tail!


Robin said...

Clearly Dan is practicing his grip for his Kazoo.
I want every single item you mention.

Suzanne said...

Come over and we can go shopping together!

Robin said...

Lovely! That and the Women's Industrial Exchange are calling me.