Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I had a magical fig-apple sauce at Hostel L'Eveche, Alet-les-bains, Languedoc.  I asked the owner to explain, and she listed most of what I later found in an online recipe.  They also had some of the best coffee I'd ever had.  I haven't tried it yet.

Compote pommes - figues au miel, citron et vanille, maison

  • Temps de préparation: 10 min
  • Temps de cuisson: 15 min
  • Temps total: 25 min


  • 4 pommes
  • 8 figues fraîches
  • jus d'un citron
  • 1/2 gousse (pod) de vanille, coupée en deux graines (seeds) grattées
  • 1 càc (cuillière à café, or teaspoon) de miel (type lune de miel) (translates as "honeymoon", but all I can find in a search for that is a French brand with typical flavors)

    The waiters also referenced pain du miel d'épices.   The recipes I found for honey bread contained anis vert (evidently anise seed tastes similar to but is different from fennel seed), ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon, so I plan to use these.


Retires la peau des figues, ôtes la queue, coupes les en quartiers.

Epluches les pommes, retires le coeur et les pépins, puis coupes les en morceaux.

Verses le tout dans une casserole, ajoutes le jus de citron, le miel, les graines et la gousse de vanille.

Fais cuire à couvert 15 min à feu doux.

Ecrases le tout à la fourchette, au moulin à légumes ou au robot, blinder.

Si nécessaire, passes au tamis fin pour éliminer les pépins de la figue.

Sers frais.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I made it for the Rothrocks, Judy Bello and Sharon Williams. Rest of meal was fine, but the apple/fig sauce was not my finest hour. I used purple mission figs from Whole Foods, and they seemed kinda bland. (I try to taste separately any unfamiliar ingredient so that I learn what to expect. This effort has been a lot of fun with things like vermouth.) And I didn't add the other spices. So next time: add the spices and get whatever variety I can in the figs. I was going to visit a Persian grocery in Vienna and took the easy way out when I saw them at Whole Foods.