Saturday, July 26, 2008

In praise of sandwiches

I don't know that sandwiches count as recipes, but sandwiches are amazing (and I haven't cooked anything interesting lately) so I will post two of my favorites--the fried egg sandwich:
Heat EVOO in frying pan
Add two eggs
Cook slices of sweet onion in a different part of the same pan
Sprinkle crushed rosemary onto eggs
When the eggs start to make ominous popping sounds, flip them over
As the onions and eggs cook, ready the rest of the sandwich: spread cream cheese and a red vegetable (bell peppers or tomato) onto bread.
Assemble sandwich.

Tied for seignority in my sandwich Valhalla is my take on the Californian:
1/2 avocado, sliced
tomato, sliced
grainy bread
cheddar cheese
Assemble sandwich.

I also enjoy a pb & j frequently, but I believe that requires no explanation. It does merit comment, however, that the 14 oz jar of Maranatha peanut butter that I am currently working through was found, unopened and abandonned, during graduation week this year. Who would discard such a treasure?!


Jody said...

I have never had a fried egg sandwhich. Clearly I haven't lived. You need to come out to California immediately and make me one. I WANT TO LIVE, PLEASE WON'T YOU LET ME LIVE, SUZANNE?????

Robin said...

I'll put that chord of doom that you hear from Windows when you exit while something is still in the bathroom, or wherever those programs go when they are being obstinate, against your frying pan's ominous popping sounds any day.