Friday, July 25, 2008

So simple and so good

Last night I made an easy and delicious eggplant dish. I LOVE eggplant, but making the eggplant dishes Robin makes always seem a bit daunting. They sometimes involve cooking the eggplant and then doing stuff with it. I firmly believe that once you have cooked something, you shouldn't have to do anything else to it. Its time to eat at that point. As a result of my laziness I haven't been eating much eggplant. And I miss it. So I found this simple recipe on the internet and decided to give it a try, with a few modifications. Now, before I give you the recipe, let me admit, it is not quite eggplant season yet. I'm sure the eggplant and pepper will be tastier and more ecologically sound in a few weeks. All I can say for myself is that I consider this a warm up, so that my eggplant stomach will be fully prepared for the bounty to come.

Eggplant Goodness #1
1 eggplant in 1' slices
2 red bell peppers in thick strips
1 green bell pepper in thick strips
1 onion, sliced
1/4 C olive oil
Fresh basil

Salt the eggplant slices and press out the water into paper towels by putting something heavy on top (I used my frying pan). Put all the veggies in a large, shallow baking tin (I used the bottom part of my broiler). Toss well with 1/4 C olive oil and a reasonable amount of dries thyme. Cook at 350 for 40 mins, or until the eggplant feels soft when poked with a wooden spoon. Garnish with fresh basil.

Suzanne - there is no meat in this dish! I had it with a cumin rubbed chicken breast, which was a great combination, but I could imagine other ways to eat it. Maybe mixed with some nice whole wheat penne, balsamic vinegar and olive oil? It would be kind of like a warm pasta salad.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I broke down and went to the G store today! (Actually I just wanted to visit Louise in Vienna. She's working on a sensational, big oil of Les Baux - - remember "la meme chose"?) So now I have eggplant, 3 red peppers, onion, and, as before, basil in abundance. I will definitely cook this this weekend! Thanks so much.
I also made granola today with the Whole Foods bounty. Anybody want any?