Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Inheriting health and cooking

There's an article in the New York times health section today about teaching very young children how to cook, healthily. The most robust short term result is that kids are less picky and more adventurous in their eating.
It's sort of surprising result to me. I thought an attribute like being picky might stem from an innate hypersensitivity to the way certain things taste. I'm sure this could still be at work to some extent, but it seems like there is a lot of nuture involved as well.
This article also made me wonder is learned healthy eating behaviors are inherited matrilineally. Women tend to do most of the cooking, and women tend to cook like their mothers (well, at least when their mothers cook well and they see no need to change). So I wonder if the over nutritional profile of a family is more like the mother's family than the father's family. If my hypothesis holds up, then if Oliver and I were ever to have kids they'd be set - Oliver seems genetically incapable of gaining any weight and I'm culturally incapable of cooking with unsaturated fats or simple carbohydrates.                                                                   



Suzanne said...

I bet your old theory about picky eating holds a lot of water when it comes to your regular picky eater who only eats bland foods (butter pasta, pb sandwiches, etc). Some adult picky eaters I know, though, seem to refuse certain foods for a plethora of reasons other than pungency, like texture. I bet this group is the one that would really show a difference if exposed to cooking young.

Robin said...

Whoa! I'm impressed that our blog has a hyperlink in it!
Do you remember our doing much cooking together besides sweets? I remember both of you doing a lot of real cooking, but I don't recall how much I was involved. Biscuits, maybe. Didn't we do the baby's bottom test on kneading bread? I remember Andrew's class at Country Day school putting together a cookbook. Maybe I can lay my hands on it.

Jody said...

I definitely remember baking sweets with you as a kid, not dinners. But I learned what a dinner should be like from you, and that's what I try to emulate in my cooking now. I hardly bake at all anymore. I just don't have much time and I feel like if I can dinner done 5 nights a week that's an accomplishment. Baking is not going to happen on top of that.
On the topic of how I don't have enough time to cook, I can happily note that Oliver has been cooking dinner lately! He cooked twice this week, and both times it was delicious.

Robin said...

Hey! Go Jody! Go Oliver! Does he bemoan the absence of any cooking items that might make good Christmas presents?
Thanks for the kind reminiscence of meals at home.