Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vegetarian French Onion Soup

This is what happens when you cook alone but still think it's a good idea to purchase 5 lb bags of onions (it's such a bargain!!). Traditional French onion soup has beef stock, but we all know I'm a cow hugger, so I don't do that. Instead, I jazz up some plain ol' veg stock with a whole bunch of herbs. It freezes well and looks pretty.

Heat 2t evoo in a large pot
Cook 4-6 cups thinly sliced onions with a pinch of salt until golden and reduced to ~1/3 vol
Stir frequently & leave pan mostly covered
add 6c veg stock
season with 1 bay leaf, 4 sprigs parley, 2 sprigs thyme, rosemary, coriander, and/or whatever other herbs you have around
cook 30 more mins
ladle into bowls
place enough bread to cover the surface of the bowl on top of the soup (1-2 sandwich slices)
sprinkle 1 clove minced garlic over each bowl
sprinkle significant cheesage (I used mostly Jarlsberg with some Parmesan, Gruyere would be amazing) over top
run under broiler for a couple of minutes (yes, these should be some sturdy bowls)
garnish with pepper, about half a bottle of hot sauce, or parsley, depending on your tastes
speak with French accent during dinner


Robin said...

a feen deenair!
but HALF a bottle of hot sauce??
Mon dieu!!

Jody said...

Wow! I bet you don't miss the beef stock at all.
A ethical veggie dilemma for you: I had friends over for dinner on Friday. They are vegetarian. I realized as soon as the bit into their desserts (buttermilk panna cotta with blackberry sauce) that it was not veggie because it had gelatin and I was 80% sure gelatin=collagen=animals (and choanoflagellates, too! Oh my god! Brilliant idea! Use choanoflagellates to make vegetarian gelatin!) But I said nothing, not sure how to broach the subject and wanting us to continue having a nice evening, and, egotistically, wanting everyone to enjoy my creations. Suspicion confirmed later by the internet, I am racked with guilt. I am a really horrible person, or only a sort of horrible person? I don't think I should tell them, because it might just make them feel bad, too. Or they might not care and tell me to stop being so spastic.

Robin said...

well, hell, did they ever bite their nails? Isn't that collagen?
Or does that make us nail-biters cannibals?