Sunday, September 27, 2009

Divine Yogurt Potatoes

Just tried another recipe from The Taste Divine: "Vibhuti/Potato Yogurt." I'm getting pretty sick of potatoes but I've been getting them every week from the CSA for quite a while now. This dish was a nice change! If you added onions and cauliflower to the mix, it would be like Aloo Gobi. Here's my adaptation:

Cook 10 small potatoes (I cooked them for 12 minutes in the microwave in half an inch of water). Cool, prick, peel, cut into large chunks.
Mix 4T yogurt, 1/2t turmeric, 2t coriander, 2t cumin (I only have the powder but I bet the seeds would be better), and .5t salt. Spread sauce over potatoes.
Heat 3T oil in a frying pan over medium heat and stir-fry until all the liquid is absorbed and potatoes are a golden brown.
Serve with a cilantro garnish.
Tastes good cold, too!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I should try this. I've been getting tons of potatoes too and I just can't keep up with them. I feel we were raised not eating potatoes. I am overwhelmed and intimidated by them, and this I blame on Mom. Sorry Mom :)