Monday, October 12, 2009


Sorry its been a while since I've posted! I am getting back on the food blogging wagon. I recently made a resolution to eat more delicious things.
Anyways, here's a good way to start! And a good way to use up all the potatoes appearing in my CSA.

Oven Roasted Potato Wedges.
small head of garlic
1 Ib Small, high quality organic potatos, cut into small wedges
a few rosemary sprigs
1/4 cup live oil
sea salt and pepper
dijon mustard

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees. Take 3 T of olive oil and whisk in the mustard. Pour into your biggest glass casserole dish (might need to use two if you don't have a very big one.) Place in oven and heat until it shimmers, a few minutes. Meanwhile, toss the potatoes with the remaining T of oil and season with salt and pepper. Smash up the garlic cloves a little and throw them in along with the rosemary sprigs. Remove the casserole pan from the oven. Add the potatoes and toss well in the hot oil (be careful!). Replace in oven and cook for about 20 mins. Toss the potatoes a few times while they are cooking so they don't burn on one side. The potatoes should be golden and browning on the edges - I like mine crisp! I like eating this with bean soup or sausages. Suzanne would probably want to go with the bean soup :)

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