Monday, June 14, 2010


I was out of hummus tonight, and I needed some for leek pie. I did have leftover Moorish stew, though, so I scooped out some (maybe 1 cup) of the chickpeas, added the juice of a very big lemon, poured on a lot of tahini (maybe 3 or 4 T.), added 2 cloves of garlic, and poured in maybe 2 T. of almond oil. It was very sweet from all the tahini, and delicious. The sherry vinegar comes through nicely.


Jody said...

I love tahini but I would never call it sweet! In fact I think its distinctly bitter. Maybe when you avoid sugar as strictly as Robin does your tastes shift?

Robin said...

I think that's true. And then if I have just a little bit I start craving it. Something like an addiction.

Robin said...

Roasted, unhulled tahini is sweeter to my taste than is raw hulled, which seems pretty bitter.