Friday, June 25, 2010

Shortcuts :) :) :)

I am at heart impatient and lazy, and therefore I love shortcuts. Yesterday's thrill: the menu was halibut in a bag (the yogurt marinade) and Jody's sweet potato baked chips. I realized (it certainly took me long enough) that they have many ingredients in common. Into the FP, then, went 6 fat cloves of garlic and half a jalapeno. Gave it a twirl. Then added 1 t. pepper (maybe), 1/2 t. salt (maybe), 1 t. cayenne (maybe) and 1/2 c. olive oil, twirled again. Split the resulting slush in half: half into the bag with the 1 c. yogurt for the halibut. Remaining half stayed in the FP. Switched to the slicing blade and sliced appropriately sized chunks of peeled sweet potato. Used the forcer tube thingy to move the SPs past the blade as quickly as possible in the hopes of getting reasonably thick chips. It worked really well.

To top it off, I think I have successfully used a USB stick to make a one or two (well, maybe 5, but at least not 100) touch transfer of about 80 documents from my laptop to my desktop.

And then I happily reflected on how last year's wave petunias have evidently self-seeded in the window box.

Now if I could only discover a short cut for playing piano. Yuliya says there are none.

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