Sunday, December 19, 2010

Crockpot Eggplant

Just stick an eggplant (unpeeled) in and leave on low all day. Nice, smooth results. Not so fast on the onion (smelled bad, rubbery texture) or the red pepper (tasted fine, but hard to peel). I used the eggplant and the pepper (with skin) in a tofu casserole to which I added (oil-free!!!) salsa. Likewise, I could use them to make eggplant slop, or as Suzanne says, eggplant puree.

1 comment:

Jody said...

I feel so left out of team crockpot! But no, I don't want one (If however you get a bee in your bonnet to buy me a kitchen appliance I would not mind belonging to team electric coffee maker).