Saturday, April 9, 2011

Slow Cooker Lentil Bolognese Sauce

I wasn't going to post this recipe at first, but it really grew on me. I do believe I have eaten it five times during the past week. I make vegetarian tomato-based pasta sauce regularly, but this one stuck out as particularly hearty. Mom, this one would be great to make for Dad. It's thick, smoky, and filling.

Adapted from "Fresh From The Vegetarian Slow Cooker" by Robin Robertson

Heat 2T EVOO in a large skillet
Add 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 celery, and 2 garlic cloves, minced (I used a food processor)
Cook until softened, ~10 min. Add 1/2 cup cheap (dry?) white wine and simmer for 2 min.
Transfer to a slow cooker. Add a 28-oz can of crushed tomato, ~1c tomato sauce (or 2T tomato paste in 1c hot water), 1c dried brown lentils, a sprinkle of nutmeg, and season w/ salt, pepper, and oregano.
Cover and cook on low for 8h.
While the lentil sauce is cooking, blend 1/2c white beans (I used Lima) +/- 1/4c milk.
Just before serving, add white beans, 1/2t liquid sauce, and 2T minced parsley leaves (if you have them).
Serve over whole wheat pasta (I liked it with rotini) and top with cheddar cheese.
I used a generous 1/2 cup of sauce to one serving of pasta.

One caveat about this recipe: even with the sauce cooked through thoroughly, the lentils still came out a little crunchy. If you like your lentils really soft, I might precook them a little (maybe ~15 min).


Robin said...

I'd think you could add the limas at the beginning, but adding the milk at the beginning might cause trouble. Did you use canned or frozen and cooked limas?

Suzanne said...

I rehydrated dried limas. Actually, I overcooked them, so they melted all on their own and I didn't need any milk. I bet navy beans would work even better.