Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Kale Quest Continues

So I tried Suzanne's recipe with some pretty bland whole wheat noodles. I think I need to shop more diligently and bring home the soba for this recipe. I didn't have miso, nor asparagus, so it was basically noodles and kale and tahini sauce, which I made with lemon juice, water and tahini. I served it with tofu that I'd cooked in the teriyaki marinade I use for salmon, along with some eggplant slop (red pepper, onion, roast cumin, yogurt, tahini, eggplant) and - -big novelty - the stems of the kale, chopt into small pieces and sauteed over medium high heat. They added a neat crunch to the tofu! But Reeves was not pleased by the kale. He like the noodles, though. I have great envy over these CSA boxes you both are getting!!

1 comment:

Jody said...

Sounds pretty elaborate to me. I wonder what I got in my box today ...