Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Kale Quest: A Concession

Reeves admits that Suzanne's sugggestion of Moorish Chickpea Stew with kale is less bad than the previous contestants. I used 1/4 tsp cayenne and 2 slices of homemade bread - - that is, with onion, olive, wheatberry, etc. I loved it!!


Suzanne said...

Glad you liked it!! I hope I get kale again this week so I can make it next week...

Jody said...

sounds pretty good to me. I have yet to make this fabled moorish stew. It just seems difficult to me for some reason.

Suzanne said...

Not that difficult, but does contain bread =(

Robin said...

You could substitute anything with a little absorptive power and heft for the bread. Maybe some rice gone for a whiz in the food processor? What do sesame seeds do when you soak and cook them?