Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fruit and Cabbage Salad

Tonight I whipped up this lovely salad on the basis of what happened to be in the fridge. Oliver and I liked it so much we almost ate half a head of cabbage between us! Wow, that's a lot of cancer fighting indoles :)

Here's the recipe:


Half a head of cabbage
1 fuyu persimmon
1 apple
4 green onions

For the dressing
1 meyer lemon
Roasted walnut oil (hazlenut oil would be great too)
Sea salt

Cut the cabbage into very fine strips. Dice the apple, persimmon and green onions. Combine all the ingredients.
For the dressing, juice the lemon. Then add twice as much oil as you have lemon juice. Add a generous dash of sea salt and whisk the dressing. Toss the salad with the dressing and let it marinate at room temp for an hour. This makes the cabbage taste sweeter, to me at least.

I also want to give a shout out to all of Suzanne's pictures. I really like actually seeing the food! However, I keep my camera in the lab since there are many photo worthy things that happen at the lab ... occasionally involving science. Yesterday there was a huge protest and I saw police in riot gear! It was nuts. I didn't stick around long enough to get a good picture, though.


Suzanne said...

That sounds so good! I almost bought a cabbage at the market yesterday--now I wish I had!

Jody said...

UPDATE: After eating this I was very sick. Oliver had eaten everything I did for dinner and he was fine ... how did I poison myself?? Should I throw out everything in my fridge?? One thing is certain, I will never be able to eat red quinoa again. I saw it one too many times on Saturday night/sunday morning.